Roots Watering Hole Podcast Series

January 2023 Food Literacy Podcast

Orrin Williams Season 3 Episode 1

We are kicking off the 2023 food literacy podcast series with the resources you will need to create a system to reach your food literacy and healthy lifestyle goals.

Many of us hear the term "food as medicine' but what does it mean well the is no standard or concise definite according to Medical News Today.

The Center for Food as Medicine report provides some in-depth information about the topic including a report you may download here.

See the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020 - 2025,  and for additional information to inform your healthy lifestyle journey and the creation of a system to reach your goals also see, the Harvard University Chan School of Public Health Healthy Living Guide 2022/2023, and the World Health Organization (WHO) Health Diet Fact Sheet.

Mentioned briefly in the podcast were the terms lifespan and healthspan. While they are different they overlap and we all should be striving to develop a plan and system for increasing our healthspan. To learn more about the topic click here.

In closing, we look forward to the February episode where we will be providing a lot of guidance for getting you started on the 2023 gardening series as well as more food literacy information.

Happy New Years (that's right 2023 and beyond), Happy New You, Happy Food Literacy, and Happy Gardening! 

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of the University of Illinois at Chicago, the Office of Community Engagement and Health Partnerships, or the Chicago Partnership for Health Promotion. The material and information presented here are for general information purposes only. While the podcast is designed to promote the development of healthy communities through food, we offer no health advice and encourage our listeners to seek guidance from their healthcare professionals.

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