Roots Watering Hole Podcast Series
Roots Watering Hole Podcast Series
November 2023 Food Literacy Podcast Episode
November typically marks the end of the growing season for most of us in the Chicago region. However, there are some gardeners who may apply season extension strategies that carry them through the winter. If that is not you do not fret, it is time to close out the 2023 season, get some rest, and begin planning for 2024.
We will not cover much at all regarding gardening tasks for November but in the show, notes please find information about garden tasks for our hardiness zones USDA zones 5 and 6. Please share our podcast with your network regardless of what hardiness zone they live in because the link covers all of the November tasks for the USA found on the Sow True Seeds website. Also, please note the 2022 November podcast for information.
It is the season where we may be tempted to overeat and eat things that may not suit our health and well-being, so I offer a cautionary tale and remind you that food is a core element in our health and well-being. No judgment though just be mindful... Check the show notes for tips on mindful eating from Psychology Today and see Mindfulness Exercises and remember to apply mindfulness eating strategies beyond the holidays into our daily lives.
Remember in the last episode we covered ultra-processed foods well a recent article in the Washington Post indicates the new dietary guidelines to be published in 2025 may include a warning about ultra-process food and their impact on our health. The article also indicates the food industry has already begun to push back on warnings regarding ultra-processed food in the next dietary guideline go figure...
We are complete beings and there should be no separation between, physical or mental health. On that note check out this article on ultra-processed food and mental health. So, check out keywords such as ultra-processed food and health, ultra-processed food, and mental health, define ultra-processed food, and the true cost of ultra-processed food. Hopefully, your journey will assist you and your family in living healthier lives. Check out this article on why you should do your research before embarking upon any strategy that will hopefully make us healthier.
I want to let you know that in the December 2023 episode, we will give you an overview of what to expect in 2024, including changes to the Chicago Grows Food program offerings. Check out the Chicago Grows Food newsletter to hear about the book club being planned. I will not reveal the book title here but know that it will be related to rest. So, if you want to get a jump start check out Pause, Rest, and Be by, Octavia Raheem.
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of the University of Illinois at Chicago, the OCEAN-HP, or the CPHP. The material and information presented here are for general information purposes only. While the podcast is designed to promote the development of healthy communities through food literacy, we offer no health advice and encourage our listeners to seek guidance from their healthcare providers.